On top of New York Apartment by Innocad - ArchiKing.com

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On top of New York Apartment by Innocad - ArchiKing.com


T-Mobile Discontinues Public Wi-Fi Hotspot Service | TalkDigit | Best VoIP Calls, Providers and Resources
There weren't many left, but those that were worked really well. I'm referring to the T-Mobile Hotspots that once dotted the USA inside hotels, Starbucks coffee shops and airline clubs. The speeds were awesome and other than some initial early day access issues, connectivity was a snap to get on the network.


iPad 2 pe stoc la Emag la un pret promotional

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La scurt timp dupa lansarea pe piata internationala eMAG.ro a adus tableta iPad 2 de la Apple si in Romania.

De astazi o vom gasi pe stoc la eMAG.ro, in 3 variante: de 16, 32 si 64 GB, intr-un stoc de aproximativ 80 de bucati (la aceasta data).

Iata cateva noutati cu care vine acesta noua versiune a iPad-ului:

  • doua camere video pentru apeluri Facetime si inregistrare HD
  • Procesor dual-core A5 (de doua ori mai rapid)
  • design mai subtire si mai usor ( cu 33% mai subtire si cu 15% mai usor decat vechiul iPad 1)
  • mai multe putere grafica ( de 9 ori mai multa decat la veche versiune)
  • 2 camere: una frontala si una in zona din spate


Sony Ericsson Xperia Play for Verizon hands-on

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Well, we knew it was coming, and tonight at CTIA we finally got our dirty little hands on Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Play for Verizon. It’s pretty much what we expected: an Xperia Play that’s lacking a SIM slot but displaying a couple of Verizon tattoos logos. The front-facing camera is still on the menu, along with a tasty serving of Gingerbread — Android 2.3.2, to be exact. Strangely, the custom skin we saw during our hands-on at MWC was nowhere to be found on Verizon’s model, being replaced instead by what appears to be the stock Gingerbread UI with some Sony Ericsson wallpapers and widgets. The Xperia Play app was on full display on the demo phones, which came preloaded with Ashphalt 6, Bruce Lee, Crash Bandicoot, Star Battalion, Madden ’11, and The Sims 3.


De ce e mai scumpa sandaua in Romania decat in Anglia?

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produsele de firmă decât în alte ţări…

Magazinele au scos la interval colecţiile noi, de primăvară-vară 2011. Culori calde, materiale înflorate, modele de ultimă oră şi… preţuri de-ţi taie respiraţia. E drept că obrazul subţire cu cheltuială se ţine, dar este oare drept ca românii să plătească mai mult pentru acelaşi produs doar pentru că-l cumpără din România şi nu din Spania, Marea Britanie, Bulgaria sau Statele Unite ale Americii?

Am făcut un tur virtual al magazinelor de firmă şi am constatat că aceeaşi pereche de sandale Zara costă la noi în ţară 359 de lei, iar în Marea Britanie 59,99 lire sterline, adică echivalentul a 293 lei, în Spania 59,95 euro, adică 252 lei, şi în Statele Unite ale Americii 99,9 dolari, adică 304 lei. La fel se întâmplă şi cu alte produse. Un tricou pe care îl cumpărăm din România cu 59 lei costă în Spania 9,95 euro, adică 41 lei. Cum se face că românii plătesc mai mult pentru acelaşi produs decât alţi clienţi din Europa şi chiar din Statele Unite ale Americii?

Apetenţa românilor pentru brand

Unul din motive ar putea fi costul transportului, dar este puţin probabil ca din Spania până în România transportul mărfurilor să coste mai mult decât până în Marea Britanie sau Statele Unite ale Americii. Apoi ar fi costul chiriei. Dar, la fel, nu se pot compara chiriile din mall-urile româneşti cu cele din Londra sau New York sau Madrid.

Însă este posibil ca strategia marilor branduri să aibă în vedere şi apetenţa românilor pentru tot ceea ce este de firmă. Faptul că românii au descoperit relativ recent branduri renumite şi le-au transformat în magazinele lor favorite de shopping este, probabil, speculat de managerii acestora. Prima lege a marketingului este aceea că cererea dictează preţurile, aşa că dacă un operator economic ştie că ar putea cere 100% mai mult pe un produs cu siguranţă o va face. De altfel, se pare că aceeaşi strategie se aplică şi în Rusia, unde preţurile sunt chiar mai mari decât la noi în ţară. Dar, este de înţeles, în Rusia sunt cei mai mulţi milionari în euro decât oriunde în lume.

In concluzie, noi cumparam mai scump decat in orice alt loc de pe pamant fiindca suntem o natie de IDIOTI cu o gandire superficiala care suntem in stare sa dam oricat pe o bucata de panza pe care scrie frumos “V..ace”, si nu conteaza daca nu avem ce baga in gura, important este ca suntem imbracati de firma…



Free Software Download - Short History

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Free software download, software libre or libre software is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with minimal restrictions only to ensure that further recipients can also do these things and that manufacturers of consumer-facing hardware allow user modifications to their hardware. Free software is generally available without charge, but can have a fee, such as in the form of charging for CDs or other distribution medium among other ways.

In practice, for software to be distributed as free software, the human-readable form of the program (the source code) must be made available to the recipient along with a notice granting the above permissions. Such a notice either is a free software license, or a notice that the source code is released into the public domain.

The free software movement was conceived in 1983 by Richard Stallman to satisfy the need for and to give the benefit of software freedom to computer users. Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation in 1985 to provide the organizational structure to advance his Free Software ideas.

Since free software download may be freely redistributed it is generally available at little or no cost. Free software business models are usually based on adding value such as applications, support, training, customization, integration, or certification. At the same time, some business models which work with proprietary software are not compatible with free software, such as those that depend on the user to pay for a license in order to lawfully use the software product.


The Best PC Games of 2011 that You Must Have

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2011 is finally starting to get under way, and you know what that means: roughly 20 million identical lists from your old pal The Internet telling you which games should have your clicking fingers and WASD-claws aching with excitement. Here's the problem, though: you've heard it all before. Even without the aforementioned list avalanche, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when Call of Diablo: Crysis Effect 3 is dropping.

Granted, rocket science is also largely unnecessary when dealing with these games (we had to consult NASA, like, twice), but odds are, you probably know them about about as well as you know how to put a man on the moon. So, in that spirit, we thought we'd give you the scoop on some great-looking games that – prior to this very moment – were well on the road to passing you by.

Publisher: N/A
Developer: Hazardous Software
Release Date: TBA 2011

Whether it's because of ill-advised tactics or fingers that languidly crawl around on the keyboard like an obese spider, every RTS player's made their fair share of extremely regrettable mistakes. The obvious solution? Learn from your mistakes Time travel! Achron gives you the ability to manipulate the forces of time in your favor, potentially opening up innumerable new tactical options in your quest for strategic domination. For instance, you might tell a unit to move someplace in the past and – presto – it's suddenly there in the present. Or – if you're like us – you can undo your 527-cart pile-up of ill-advised tactical train wrecks. It's a complicated wrinkle in time all right, but we're certainly excited about the possibilities.

Publisher: EA
Developer: Maxis
Release Date: February

Ever wonder what Will Wright's intelligent design sim Spore would look like if it was also adopted by Diablo and nurtured into a fine young hack 'n' slasher? Neither did we. But that's the almost-jarringly unexpected turn Maxis decided to take, and to the developer's credit, Darkspore's looking like a mighty fine warm-up for Blizzard's third descent into the other burning down under. On top of that, the ever-popular (and frequently abused) Spore creature creator's making a triumphant return, so even if you only play for a few minutes, Darkspore will probably haunt you for years.

Fate of the World
Release Date: February 15

In Fate of the World, you have one simple objective: stop the world from killing itself. Different scenarios see you warding off different apocalpytic catastrophies – you know, fun things like rapid climate change and overpopulation – through use of a simple, effective menu interface. “Simple,” however, is the last word we'd use to describe the moutain of competing factors you'll have to sort through turn-after-turn. After all, you may be forced to rub multiple countries the wrong way in order to save one. Some might stop listening to you altogether. And then – poof – there goes earth in a brick-thick cloud of its own gasses. Intense, right? We, however, break out into cold addiction sweats just thinking about it, so here's hoping the game delivers on its boatloads of promise.

Publisher: Webzen
Developer: Red 5 Studios
Release Date: Q4 2011

A high-flying, hard-shooting MMO from some of the brightest minds behind World of Warcraft and Tribes, Firefall certainly has quite the pedigree. From what we've seen, it's a Frankenstein monster that's equal parts Tribes (jetpacks!), Borderlands (guns!), and WoW (loot!). Promising? Definitely. Here's hoping that each of its parts comes together to form a coherent whole – and not an ugly, needle-and-thread-stitched attempt to cash-in on more successful titles
